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 Jester Event - Winterwonderland!02.12.2023 18:00

The year is coming to a close. This time of year can be stressful and busy, so we feel it is particularly important to relax and spread some joy to unwind. Here in Faeo we are all looking forward to the many gifts that await us in December.  Jesters also want to enjoy this time with you and do some fun things.



Every year Christmas trees are put up in our town squares. This year we are also having a tree - but of course not in the classic sense!

There are no baubles or lights hanging from our tree, but colorful streamers and countless tinkling bells. Under our tree there are a few colorful folded pieces of paper with tasks that will be revealed over the month and are intended to sweeten this special time for you. There will be no winners, everyone can participate and win Talent Coins!



Are you up for the challenge?


Task and Schedule 


Your Task(s):

Take part in the various tasks in the forum to collect points and get talent coins accordingly.

1. The first snowflake, when will you get snow?
2. A winter rhyme for this cold time
3. Don't let the cold freeze your brain
4. Find your way through the winter wonderland
5. Give a little joy

Please note: You can find out the details of the tasks in the relevant threads published.

Attention: Entries must include the direct weblink to the image to be valid. For this event, digital designed images, or those without names, will be deemed invalid.



02.12.23 at 18:00 - 16.12.23 around 18:00

Publish your posts before the next task starts.

The tasks change around 18:00 server time. You can see how long you have for a task in the forum.






  Rules and Conditions of Participation  



You can find the general event rules here!

Please Read the Rules! By participating, you confirm that you have read this and have accepted.








All participants with valid entries contain their points according to







 Experience a beautiful and exciting winter time with us! 

Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

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