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 Bloody Kodrag Carnage, Wed. 17:0005.08.2009 11:15

Warriors, a bloodthirsty Kodrag appeared in the Malleable Badlands, destroying everything it encounters. Since the veteran warriors of both peoples are not available planning campaigns and carrying out other difficult task, it is up to the younger level 1-5 warriors to destroy the evil beast. 

Be careful, the Bloody Kodrag is a very dangerous enemy and many a hapless hunter fell victim to his razor sharp tusks. Such an aggressive creature will have gathered some minor beasts around for help!
The Elders of both peoples command the level 1-5 warriors to the Malleable Badlands. Destroy the vile Kodrag, warriors!

Access to the Malleable Badlands will be granted to  Magmar and  Human level 1-5 warriors Wednesday, 17:00 Faeo time.  
To enter this location, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination! 

Update: The Bloody Kodrag and his followers, the Bloody Wolves, have been annihilated by a joint task force of  Human and Magmar warriors. Besides the drop, two fortunate and skilled fighters from both peoples have managed to find some random loot among the carcasses of the slain monsters.

Micromicet [5]
Yellowcat [4]

Additional information about this fight can be reviewed here.

Author: LowkeyLyesmith, editor note: Drolevil

11. Berserkas 05.08.2009 19:26
well, that was HARD.
12. LwS 05.08.2009 20:03
will i get any valour or reward ?­ .
13. coolman1 05.08.2009 20:04
was there any drop from the fight?
14. Death_Shadow 05.08.2009 20:24
The winning group got 12.5 gold and exe helmet
15. FErnando03 06.08.2009 02:45
agora vai more
16. Game man 06.08.2009 03:03
why do u keep on putting events at 2am in the morning - thats too much for­ me!
17. Karatekidno 06.08.2009 12:45
Game man. This is an English server. Therefore the times are convenient for­ ______ people. What is the answer?
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