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 Durgkharg Attack Fri. 17:0013.08.2009 10:48

Warriors, a Dugrkharg Ripper is running amok at the Malleable Badlands. The wild beast has been badly wounded by a gang of poachers and is now on a stampede through Faeo, despair, destruction and death in its wake. 
The terrifying monster must be stopped, but the task won't be easy. 

The Ripper is a strong and cunning monster, a surviver of many battles. Therefore, skilled warriors of the levels 6-10 are called to battle. Face the cave-dwelling animal in the Malleable Badlands and annihilate it at all costs.

The Dugrkharg Attack event will begin Friday, 17:00 Faeo time in the Malleable Badlands.

To enter the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the   Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination!

Author: LowkeyLyesmith, editor note: Drolevil

1. Stewie Griffin 13.08.2009 16:21
This event is gonna hurt o.O, all Durgkhargs are hard to kill lol, always crit­ and have masses of HP o.O
2. Dragonwarrior 17.08.2009 13:05
what is the reward?valour?

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