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 PvP Event: Time of Valour in the Crystalline Caves03.11.2009 18:04

Warriors, a special time is coming up: it's the Time of Valour - the much sought-after attribute, that shows which players were especially successful in battles between the races and which enables you to receive higher and higher ranks - up to Higher Master.

In order to help you on your way through the ranks you will be able to receive double Valour in the Crystalline Caves on Wednesday between 19:00 and 21:00 Faeo time and on Thursday between 1:00 and 3:00 Faeo time. Don't miss this unique chance!

And that's how it works: When you have registered, confirmed your participartion and entered the battlefield you can click on the crate at the entrance of the Crystalline Caves and you will receive a Unique Valour Elixir. Use this elixir immediately and it will double your Valour when fighting in the battlefield. When you leave the battlefield the elixir will disappear and it will lose its effect. 

  Other valour elixirs do not work if you are using the Unique Valour Elixir.

The Time of Valour in the Crystalline Caves will take place on Wednesday, 19:00 to 21:00 Faeo time and on Thursday, 1:00 to 3:00 Faeo time.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

21. chuckey 05.11.2009 06:05
great way to earn valour hope to see you there
22. Serius Pain 05.11.2009 16:06
i think this is a good way to interest people into the caves and should be done­ more often i Queued yeterday and it took an 1hr 30min to even get to the­ battlefeild, the 2 hr time limit should be set around a 3hr window minimum...
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