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 Level 5-6 PvP Tournament, Tuesday 17:0018.01.2010 09:36

Warriors, the war for domination over Faeo continues!   Human and  Magmar warriors of the levels 5-6 are called to battle! Let there be blood! Prove your worthiness and earn valour in these cruel battles!

Hurry to the Malleable Badlands to meet your destiny. Join your Commanders in their fight and earn the Valour you are craving for! Bring your summons, they can help you until there is a Great Battle, they might be decisive for the  outcome.

Access to the Malleable Badlands  will be granted on Tuesday, 17:00 Faeo time. The fights will start at 17:15 Faeo time. To enter the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination!

The human warriors have shown their strength and have won this battle. Congratulations! To find more information about this battle, click here. The winning Humans who participated in this fight have been rewarded with 3000 Valour, the Magmar participants have received 1500 Valour.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

11. Jungrin 18.01.2010 17:02
Why is it that lvl 5 and 6 are always lumped together? I'm lvl 5 and only­ have the Cutthroat set therefore I have no chance against a lvl 6 with a full­ blue set, which they ALL seem to have. I'd just like to fight a fellow lvl 5­ with grey or green armor. meh.
12. lMartinl 18.01.2010 17:45
come on! Make 19.00 faeo time pls..
13. A Milli 18.01.2010 18:47
Who not have a lvl 5-6 event for months, but have it right when I turn lvl 7 :P
14. Starshaper 18.01.2010 19:21
finally I've been waiting for this, but maybe if they were made a bit more­ frequent it would be better as instances are not that available? I for one­ haven't been able to get into 1 cc since lvling to 5, there just aren't­ enough people as the incentives are too small.
15. Apolo13 18.01.2010 21:05
16. WOLF_MASTER 18.01.2010 23:01
yo screct sini s me elite_berserker ;/
17. ZoSplit 19.01.2010 11:55
we will see
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