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 Level 7-8 PvP Tournament, Friday 13:0028.01.2010 12:03

Warriors of the levels 7 and 8, it is your time to show that you can defeat the opposite race.

The Commanders are calling you to battle in the Malleable Badlands on Friday. They expect you to give your best, to put everything you can into the fight, to make this a battle that will show the heroism of your race once and for all. So be prepared, bring your summons and use them wisely, as you can only use them until there is a Great Battle. Lots of Valour are waiting for you if you help your Commander in his fight.

Access to the Malleable Badlands  will be granted on Friday, 13:00 Faeo time. The fights will start at 13:15 Faeo time. To enter the Malleable Badlands, go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination!
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Braegh 28.01.2010 14:30
Lots of Valour eh, may just pop around =P
2. Bratuha 28.01.2010 14:30
3. JOSHUA VALDEZCO 28.01.2010 14:58
Not bad :)
4. Elite_Dragoon 28.01.2010 20:26
what the hell... this is the first level 7-8 PvP tournament for ages and its at­ a crap time... i thought this was meant to be a english server, so why is it­ that the event is taking place when the British nation are in­ work!!!
5. Armin 29.01.2010 16:36
yeah really... i missed it, 13:00 is 8:00 am here.

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