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 Riots of the Instance Bosses10.03.2010 17:31

There is bad news in the world of Faeo: the malicious bosses of the underworld have become more and more powerful in the recent past. The horrifying Galmakhar, Zermerkh and even Lingraonts himself have escaped and are set to attack Faeo. 

Warriors, you have to help to send the bosses of the Undead back into their tombs. In order to have an organized resistance against this threat the elders will group you according to your strength: Level 5-7 warriors will fight Galmakhar, the task of level 8-10 warriors will be to kill Zermerkh and those from levels 11-14 will have to defeat the terrible Lingraonts. The battles will take place in the Malleable Badlands.

Be very careful, the bosses of the Undead are quite dangerous. They have special abilities to heal themselves, so you will have to think about how to prevent them from doing this.

All warriors who take part in sending back Galmakhar, Zermerkh and Lingraonts to where they belong will receive Hunters of the Undead reputation.

The event Riots of the Instance Bosses will take place on Thursday, 17:00 Faeo time at the Malleable Badlands. Go to the  Baurvill Hamlet and the  Settlement of Faytir and pick the Malleable Badlands as your destination.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

21. Tercius 13.03.2010 15:28
5 points hunters of the undead reputation .. sigh.. 5?! That's it?­ That's the reward for a major event? Wow.. inspiring.
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