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 Crystalline Caves Junior Ranks Day, Sat. 14:0028.05.2010 11:15

The Elders  Baguron and  Verkiry want the players of the lower ranks to show their abilities and to give them the opportunity to gain some Valour.

For 24 hours the Crystalline Caves will be opened exclusively for Novices, Soldiers, Fighters and Warriors. Use that time to gather Crystals and to fight your enemies. The Elders want you to show them that they can be proud of all their warriors, even those of the lower ranks.

The Crystalline Caves Junior Ranks Day will take place from Saturday, 14:00 Faeo time till Sunday 14:00 Faeo time. During that time the Crystalline Caves will be accessible for Novices, Soldiers, Fighters and Warriors only. To queue for the Crystalline Caves click the “battlefields” button and select the Crystalline Caves tab.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

21. -Sando- 28.05.2010 16:31
still unfair .... warrior can summon tigers :) also some players rents­ armors with some elites . . . . theres no change at all :)
22. Alexabirch 28.05.2010 17:16
23. Kempashi 28.05.2010 17:17
mmmm I am go try do the feat kill the 10 Imonyan so at least dont atacked me­ when I am fighthig one,is bad waste summon for nothing :drink:
24. Jahcore1 28.05.2010 17:18
sweet... lvl 7 / 8 let's get organized and have some fun! ;O)
25. Revenger 28.05.2010 17:19
Awesome - excellent idea and the fact it is restricted to 24 hrs should keep the­ valour hunters somewhat placated
26. Don20 28.05.2010 17:51
nice i luv it. i hope magmar would activly participate in it
27. Zbychu 28.05.2010 18:03
wow super!
28. Starshaper 28.05.2010 19:24
excellent hope there will be some good lvl 5-6 ccs, w/o the interference of the­ hardened valour hunters.
29. Bandit Krusty 28.05.2010 19:45
i am getting my team together to do quest hit me up mags so we can get some done
30. DRACULA 28.05.2010 20:41
dear admin can i got my gold back what i have need to make my rang elite becouse­ to me have cost enought- great job
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