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 Summer Blessing01.06.2010 05:36

Can you feel the nice and warm air? Summer is coming to Faeo, everyone is spending their time outside in the sun.

But true warriors of Faeo don't just lie around idle in the sun, the nice weather is perfect for hunting and for fighting the hated enemies. Even the elders are full of joy about the nice weather and they want t help you in their fights. Talk to the elder in your city square and receive a summer blessing!


The buff can be  obtained by warriors from level 3 from  Elder Baguron in O'Delvays Square and from  Elder Verkiry in Dartrong Square. It will be available until 10:00 Faeo time Wednesday.

Due to a technical problem this blessing was not available to all warriors. We have now fixed this. The blessing is available for all warriors from level 3 from the elders until Thursday 10:00 Faeo time.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

31. _Dominator_ 01.06.2010 15:58
What happened to the blessing? I got it at 13:46 and it's already gone? Only­ lasted 1 hour?
32. dark_destroyer 01.06.2010 16:01
mine only lasted 1 hour 2 ?? what the hell good idea more of the same plzzz
33. marcus1961 01.06.2010 16:12
not sure whats happening with this the blesing isnt even available to­ me????? i have asked a mentor and guard who tried (god bless them) to­ help....sort it please
34. -Cromwell- 01.06.2010 17:00
marcus1961 Found similar problem for me "no summer­ blessing" I have "Blessing of the Elder" as a recurring­ item. I used that blessing today but the special blessing does not­ appear. It is likely that the "Summer Blessing" is overriden by­ "Blessing of the Elder".
35. Cross Knight 01.06.2010 17:08
If you have any problem with the blessing, please contact Yvil or myself in­ game.
36. Swords FlAmE 01.06.2010 17:49
why i dont have any blessing? :stesn:... i wanna get one too but i dont have­ one on Elder
37. Meida 01.06.2010 17:59
I cant take it at all
38. Ray-Stalker 01.06.2010 18:30
not recieved
39. Xx_Lhord_xX 01.06.2010 18:57
why no blessing for me?
40. Kampfbauch 01.06.2010 20:04
no blessing available for me
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