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 Update: Level 1-4 PvP Tournament10.06.2010 09:11

Last night the commanders called all new and young warriors to the Malleable Badlands to show that they are as brave as their older brothers and sisters in arms when it is time to fight the enemy.

And the commanders were not disappointed; many of the young warriors of Faeo made their way to the Malleable Badlands and fought the hated enemies fearlessly. After a long and tough fight it was another victory for the  Magmar nation. Every Magmar fighter who helped gain this victory has been rewarded with 2000 Valour, every  Human participant has received 1000 Valour.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. user9902 10.06.2010 11:25
There my picture! awesome!
2. GameSpoiler 10.06.2010 12:55
Look at equipment already know who will win O_O
3. Sweetheart 10.06.2010 14:43
Pfft, equipment? - -THE BOSS- - was the most equipped fighter in the battle. If­ all humans had come at least half prepared the way he was, we would have­ lost:­ age=0
4. Brutus Fireheart 10.06.2010 15:22
Wow I woke up here in the US and its over with....yay
5. ---GOOSE--- 10.06.2010 17:16
a nice sword *thrust* there from _drogan_ lol
6. - tripod - 11.06.2010 00:32
This picture just made the humans look weak. :(( they should put on a better­ human on the picture. not like this one. a leather???? lol. :devil:
7. -- ArchAngel -- 11.06.2010 02:42
>.> nvm , magmars always wins.... >.>
8. PunkerCCC 11.06.2010 04:51
Wow lvl (1) Human against a magmar with six buffs i bet the human won this­ fight...
9. -Magra- 11.06.2010 06:48
Lol, that fight was pathetic, humans summoned so many spiders and tigers and­ Poison Beronas, and they still got smoked!!
10. _Drogan_ 11.06.2010 09:22
lol...the odds were against the mags in the took key stratagy to­ win. I think ALL the mags worked together and did a fantastic job! ^^
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