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 It is Valor Week in Faeo!18.10.2010 13:45

Yes, you read correctly: There will be double Valor in all the battlefields during this week! Starting tomorrow,  on Tuesday at 10:00 Faeo time, every day a different battlefield will bring double the Valor for 24 hours, first of which will be the Arena. Once in the battlefield simply grab the Valor potion stored at a certain spot in the first location, drink it and then fight like a whirlwind to get the maximum effect.
The special valor potion can only be used while on the battlefield and the potion along with its effect will vanish once you leave the battlefield. If you chose to go again, you will find the next potion waiting for you.

As we said, there will be a different battlefield each day that will bring double Valor. Are you bold enough for the fights ahead? Well, get ready for some serious combat! Here are the dates:




Arena of the Underground Knights


Tallaar's Halls 


Crystalline Caves


 Temple of the Chosen


  Other valor elixirs do not work if you are using the Unique Valor Elixir.

Also make use of the special Scrolls of the Battlefield Buff. These scrolls will be on sale at the shops in the capitals of  Khair and  Ogry for the whole week in two different versions.

These scrolls will both increase your attributes for 2hours. They may only be used while in the battlefield of the day and after you have taken the Unique Valor Elixir. Their effect will dissapate on leaving the battlefield.
So remember: From Tuesday, 10:00 until Wednesday, 10:00 Faeo time the Arena of the Undergrouns Knights will bring double Valor to all participants.
Author: Malle, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Inspector Saga 18.10.2010 19:08
2. --TheDeath-- 18.10.2010 19:09
3. Flower 18.10.2010 19:09
my god finely :D
4. JayN 18.10.2010 19:10
Cool :)
5. _Tatt_ 18.10.2010 19:10
6. Starshaper 18.10.2010 19:10
those scrolls could be cheaper you know...
7. Akumsapu 18.10.2010 19:12
wow ... nice out mags!!!
8. big978 18.10.2010 19:12
can we have tallar day in weekend??
9. -Hero- 18.10.2010 19:43
Both the scrolls have same buff?
10. - HyperTension - 18.10.2010 21:46
no the buffs ar differnt­ <--- green­ scroll <----­ blue scroll goin to be a great day on wednesday for me :devil:
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