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 Vanquish the Spirits, Wed 17:0026.10.2010 13:32

As the days are getting shorter and darkness covers the lands the dead are getting restless. With the holding spells weakened as the Dragons' Battle has used up a lot of magic energies, the ghosts and spirits from the netherworld are slipping back to the pastures of the living. And most of them are not driven by their love for all things living. On the contrary: These evil entities are looking to inflict pain and suffering!

This cannot go on! Help to prevent an epidemic and slay these evil apparitions. And be quick about it: Not only do the spirits carry valueable items, but you are entering a race as well! Humans and Magmar alike are called to the Malleable Badlands tomorrow at 17:00 Faeo time to slay as many ghosts and ghouls as possible. Which ever race kills more of the ghastly ghosts is in for a real treat: Every single player who took part in the event on the winning side will get  a voucher:

This voucher may be exchanged - just like the one you might have received in the Defense against the Dark Arts - at the  Square of Fire or at the  Daylight Square at the Mages of Faeo from Saturday, October 30, 10:00 Faeo time to Sunday, October 31, 10:00 Faeo time. In return you will get two bottles of...
This elixir is a praised commodity among warriors, offering you the ability to stun your opponent even before you hit him the first time. But as it is derived from the energy of dissapating souls, it will not last for long. Use it wisely!

Come to the Malleable Badlands which can be reached via the  Baurvill Hamlet or the  Settlement of Faytir on Wednesday at 17:00 Faeo time. Slay as many ghosts and spirits as possible to beat the other race to the prize!

Update! - The  Humans won this event with a stunning final score of 145:12. Congratulations! Don't forget to exchange the certificates you got for winning the event at the mages come Saturday, October 30, 10:00 Faeo time to Sunday, October 31, 10:00 Faeo time.
Author: Malle, editor note: Malle

11. lilmatt5279 26.10.2010 18:37
i take it this is guarnteed to stun them yes? and no chance of fail
12. WildOne 26.10.2010 18:37
good one :)
13. Xandia 26.10.2010 18:38
14. Damo666 26.10.2010 18:38
sweet! loving the reward, is awesome :)
15. lootp 26.10.2010 18:38
16. storozh 26.10.2010 18:39
It's very interesting to play now. Every day a new event or battle. very­ good
17. marensman 26.10.2010 18:40
only 7 seconds. i sometimes have computer lag for that long. on a good day I­ would get 2 hits in. on a bad day I might not get 1 in.
18. Lizardmen 26.10.2010 18:40
that's great
19. -SilentKill- 26.10.2010 18:40
Nice to see more events happening, keep up the good work!
20. spectre500 26.10.2010 18:40
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