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 Update: Battle of the Mercenaries02.11.2010 07:13

Warriors, this was a weekend full of gory fights in Faeo as the battle between the mercenaries of the  Red Axe and the  Stone Lotus took place in the Wasteland of Scorpions.

Many of you took part in these battles and supported their side. Both sides have fought heroically in the Wasteland of Scorpions and many warriors went deeper into the battlefields where they did not only have to fight warriors of the opposing race, they also had to stand against officers and archmages of the opposite faction. The  Magmars succeeded to kill 35 Stone Lotus Officers and Archmages, but the  Humans were even more successful, they killed 49 Red Axe Officers and Archmages.  Warlord Damirus is very grateful to all those who helped winning this important battle and will give them a Blessing of Gratefulness.

All  Humans who participated in the Battle of the Mercenaries event can receive the Blessing of Gratefulness from Warlord Damirus in the O'Delvays Arena once a day for the whole of this week.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Demon4u 02.11.2010 11:37
2. MrBiGz 02.11.2010 11:37
3. Valy 02.11.2010 11:37
4. Alamus 02.11.2010 11:37 a mere level 6, I didn't kill any Officers, but I happily­ chopped up almost 50 of their soldiers.
5. --Priestless-- 02.11.2010 11:37
nice ^_^
6. Kampfbauch 02.11.2010 11:38
Yeah another one for Tallaar lol
7. lootp 02.11.2010 11:38
thank you all
8. Brian Baru 02.11.2010 11:39
9. Faelivrin 02.11.2010 11:44
And about for those who didn`t entered coz was affraid of killing each time when­ they get resurected automaticly? XD Nothig :D
10. Store 02.11.2010 11:45
IoI can i see stat?
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