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 Update: Collecting Competition08.11.2010 16:59

The Collecting Competition is over and it is time to announce the results. The warriors of Faeo have fished Savage Salmon, picked Riotous Roses and gathered Dangerous Diamonds like crazy during last weekend. And they did so even though taking part in the competition was quite dangerous: warriors were attacked by Fury Hounds [3], Savage Dogs [6], Cordt Cutthroats [9] and even Savage Scorpions [12] while collecting the resources.


And here are the winners:


1.   petronijexi [9] 

 273 pcs.

2.   -Miss-Tina- [10] 

253 pcs. 

3.   hvs [5]  

248 pcs



1.   gorgon666 [10] 

 500 pcs.

2.   Holstein [11] 

470 pcs. 


461 pcs



1.   Vera Boulve [3] 

 923 pcs.

2.   Kismetic [4] 

637 pcs. 

3.   Faelivrin [12]  

516 pcs


Congratulations to the winners! The Fishermen have received a Durable Fishing Rod, The Geologists a Durable Pickaxe and the Herbologists a Durable Sickle. The tools for the first place have a strength of 10/10, those for the second place 9/9 and for the third place 8/8.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

11. beor 08.11.2010 15:19
sill fury hounds. lol
12. dzionito 08.11.2010 15:19
Vera Boulve you are crazy
13. Cherlindra 08.11.2010 15:19
good competition
14. Zoltrix 08.11.2010 15:20
I guess herbologists done the most work of all!!!
15. Argosus 08.11.2010 15:20
Wow you guys were really into it ! Congratulations!
16. Facade 08.11.2010 15:20
haha nice:) all the fishermen mining these left other fish for me hehe :)
17. Zap 08.11.2010 15:21
Vera must not sleep... that's a whole lot of flowers.
18. Kupi Baton 08.11.2010 15:22
All ban for use of programmes for automated resource gathering :)
19. erlkonig 08.11.2010 15:22
it's intresting that the lowest of the top 3 herbologists picked more than­ the highest geologist and fisherman...
20. -Changeling- 08.11.2010 15:23
Congrats to the winners. Liked the tiered mobs based on character level; made­ this event possible regardless of level. Wish the drops from the mob had been­ more equal to their level.
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