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 Wild Dugrkharg and Kodrag Attack Part 211.11.2010 03:30

Numerous warriors came to the  Ridge of Kayar and the  Village of Maettro to help defending their lands against attacks from Wild Kodrags and Wild Dugrkhargs. Warriors who mananged to defeat one of these horrible creatures received an Amulet of Attack. With that amulet they can summon the very animal they defeated against their enemies in the Malleable Badlands!


Now all the warriors who received one of these amulets are eager to use them and to teach their enemies a lesson with the help of the beasts they defeated. The commanders will open the Malleable Badlands on Friday, 17:00 for levels 6 to 10 and 11 onwards and at 17:15 for level 1 to 5. In order to join the battlefield you need a  Wild Kodrag Amulet of Call or a  Wild Dugrkharg Amulet of Call. There is no limit on summons, even when the fight becomes a Great Battle. The fights will be between warriors of level 1 to 5, level 6 to 10 and level 11 onward. Join the fight of the commanders. 

If you are on the winning side of this decisive battle you will receive a  Wild Kodrag Amulet of Call or  Wild Dugrkharg Amulet of Call. usable anywhere in Faeo. Furthermore there will be a great Valor reward.

You don't have an amulet of call from the event on Wednesday but you would still like to help defeating the enemy nation? Don't despair,  Nathan and  Brugilda who witnessed all the fighting have found some of the amulets in the vicinity after the fights and they are willing to sell them to warriors on Friday from 16:00 Faeo time:

Warriors of the levels 1 to 5 can buy the amulets of call for the  Wild Kodrags [4] and  Wild Dugrkhargs [4] for  50.

Warriors of the levels 6 to 10 can buy the amulets of call for the  Wild Kodrags [9] and  Wild Dugrkhargs [9] for  1.

Warriors of level 11 and above can buy the amulets of call for the  Wild Kodrags [13] and  Wild Dugrkhargs [13] for  2.

The second part of the event "Attack of the Wild Dugrkhargs and Kodrags" takes place on Friday, November 12, 17:00 Faeo time for levels 6 to 10 and 11 onwards and at 17:15 for level 1 to 5 in  the  Malleable Badlands. Go to  Baurvill Hamlet or the  Settlement of Faytir where you will find a connection to the Malleable Badlands for your level group. In order to enter you need a   Wild Kodrag Amulet of Call or a  Wild Dugrkharg Amulet of Call. If you don't have one from the frst part of the event you can obtain them from  Nathan on the Ridge of Kayar or  Brugilda in the Village of Maettro on Friday from 16:00 Faeo time.

Many warriors followed the call of the Commanders and came to the Malleable Badlands on Friday. The  Magmars who had already collected more Amulets of Call in the first part of the event succeeded to win the battles in all three level groups. Magmar players of the levels 1 to 5 received a Wild Dugrkharg [4] Amulet of Call and 2000 Valor, those of the levels 6 to 10 received a Wild Dugrkharg [9] Amulet of Call and 3000 Valor and those of level 11 and above received a Wild Dugrkharg [13] Amulet of Call and 4000 Valor. The human participants received half of the Valor of their Magmar counterparts.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

21. ViNgAdOr_ 12.11.2010 17:35
i can't do this , monster lvl 7 join in my fight and i received injuryes ):
22. I-BarsaG-I 14.11.2010 00:39
where my amulets?????
23. Damo666 15.11.2010 12:45
where our ' Great valour reward ' ?????
24. Luna Moonfang 15.11.2010 21:32
* "The Magmars who had already collected more Amulets of Call in the first­ part of the event succeeded to win the battles in all three level groups"­ ... :devil: ** Owesome fight, I got to atack once then waited ... and­ waited ... and waited ... and then the fight was over. :ogo:
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