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 Diamond Bandit News01.04.2022 18:00

Diamond Bandit is back!

Until 3.04 23:59 the bandit will have special rules! This time participants will enjoy good news: the maximum jackpot size is   2000! Also..
Rewards for Jackpot:
Play and win
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 0)

 Magic storm in Arena!01.04.2022 17:00

Inhabitants of Faeo are already used to the fact that magical anomalies sometimes occur in various battlefields and change their rules radically. These anomalies are called magic storms. Right now a Magical Storm broke out in the Arena!

Fights on the arena will be held 1 on 1 to score 3 points! Additionally, the storm causes the appearance of Fire Vortexs and Icy Vortexs in all battles.
You will also have double valor and no-break during the event on Arena!

 And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop. It will last until 11:00 4.04
Prove that you are a winner, no matter the rules!
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 5)

 Joke Week01.04.2022 14:00

With the first April days the most reckless celebration starts in the World of Faeo - Joke week. Hurry to take part in it and earn lots of Snide Cat tokens.

Scholars  Globius and  Avelius won't be disturbed by silly things, instead they'll offer you to use their new invention Sprayer, which will come in handy in joke battles 
Have fun, Warriors!
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 3)

 Thousand and one riddles01.04.2022 13:00

The world of Faeo is full of unsolved mysteries. And today we will tell you one of them. This is the story of a powerful magician of ancient times, who sealed his treasures in a magic casket, and the warriors who were willing to do anything to discover the contents of this chest, in order to take control of the monstrous power lurking within it. However, no one has ever managed to do this. Many centuries ago, a fearless warrior tried, in vain, to solve the mystery of the magic chest. Using all their might and a powerful blow from their axe, they broke the chest into many pieces. No one has heard of this chest since. Until today...

In the city's taverns, there were rumours that some warrior had found one of the fragments of this chest. It seems that the all of Faeo has gone mad trying to find and recreate the casket of the powerful ancient mage. Join us in this madness! From 13:00 1.04, to 23:59 April 10.04, you have a chance to get one of chest fragments in battles with superbeings, as well as for winning or participating in the Arena, Ancient temple of the Chosen and in the Crystalline Caves. Having collected 5 such fragments, you will be able to recreate Chest of a Thousand Riddles and unlock the valuable rewards stored in it. If, of course, you can open it - this task will not be possible for everyone!
Good luck, warriors!
Challenge the dangerous mysteries of antiquity
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 3)

 Bankers generosity!01.04.2022 12:00

Warriors! Replenish your account with diamonds and receive rewards that many Ogriy and Khair inhabitants dream of!
 Sum:    Reward:
When replenishing 150 1107540055
When replenishing 300  2121258001010
When replenishing

Please note: Crystals of Truth are non-transferrable!

The offer will last till 3.04, 23:59.

Use this profitable opportunity to become stronger!
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 0)

 Luck Glow01.04.2022 11:00

The elders that restlessly observe the  Well of Fortune and  Mouth of Fortune in the continents' capitals brought good news to the people of Faeo. They found out that now and then the fire in the bottomless split burns brighter than usual, while the calm water of the well is covered by impenetrable fog. 

Since 01.03 11:00 everyone who throws  1, 5, 1 or 5 in the altars of the fate, might attract the attention of the higher forces and receive quite a real reward: ranging from regular elixirs to unique armor.

Also. during this event, when donating gold coins or precious stones to the gods, the following bonuses shall apply:
  • x2 reward for donating 1 gold coin or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating 5 gold coins or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating 1 diamond or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating 5 diamonds or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate.

Attention! With every donation of  gold coins or  diamonds, you increase your chance of earning the Snide Cat token!

Don't miss the moment when Luck Glow shines over Faeo!
Author: Apollinariya  More (comments: 1)


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