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 Vapor of Life15.02.2011 13:49

Sometimes the most common things have secret powers. Many of the warriors of Faeo have little bottles with Elixirs of Life in their backpacks to restore life in battles. Little is known about this substance except that the higher the concentration, the more life will be restored. Merely by accident the alchemists Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Veddun and Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Cagliostro heated up a few bottles of the Great Elixir of Life. When they inhaled the vapor they discovered something extraordinary...

Alchemists in the free online game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Suddenly they were much more powerful and they felt the urge to fight and kill their enemies and vicious monsters. However, they are needed in their laboratories, so they decided it is better to heat up the Great Elixirs of Life the warriors have and let them inhale the vapor.

You need at least 5 bottles of Great Elixirs of Life to get the effect for one hour. The alchemists are still experimenting and they already found out that if they don't use enough bottles of the Great Elixir of Life sometimes inhaling the vapor leads to warriors looking like a Kretch instead of being stronger. In order to avoid the side effect it is recommended to bring 7 bottles. If you want to get the effect for 2 hours, bring 10 bottles.

The experiments with the Vapor of Life will be over on Saturday, 20:00 Faeo time. But don't worry, if you want to stock up some of the Vapor of Life the alchemists can fill it into a flask for you. You will have to pay a little contribution for the flask as the vapor is very volatile and special flasks are needed. For a flask that contains enough Vapor for two hours the alchemists need 10 Great Elixirs of Life and 1. The vapor will stay in the flask for one week. You can also get a Large Flask with Vapor of Life for 20 Elixirs of Life and  3. The Vapor of Life will stay in this bottle for 2 weeks. If you use it the effect of the vapor will last for 3 hours.

Exchange Elixirs of Life for Vapor of Life

You give:You receive:Effect
x 5
x 71h-
x 102h
x 10
and  1
2h7 days
x 20
and  3
3h14 days

After the experiments are over warriors of both races can access the Malleable Badlands for 4 hours to use the special power of the Vapor of Life. Only warriors that have inhaled this vapor can fight there, but for the participants of every Great Battle that occurs on Saturday between 20:00 Faeo time and midnight there will be a great Valor reward.

You can exchange Great Elixirs of Life for Vapor of Life between Wednesday, 10:00 Faeo time and Saturday 20:00 Faeo time with Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Cagliostro at the Guild of Artisans on O'Delvays Square or with Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Veddun at the  Guild of Artisans on Dartrong Square. On Saturday the Malleable Badlands will be open for four hours for warriors who have inhaled the vapor of life. Each Great Battle will lead to a Valor reward. The Malleable Badlands can be accessed from the Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Baurvill Hamlet and the Bildergalerie Fantasy Browsergame Drachenkrieg Settlement of Faytir.

Update: The Human and magmar warriors who came to the Malleable Badlands fought in six separate Great Battles, four of them were won by the humans, 2 by the Magmars. For the victory in each battle each participant received 3000 Valor, for the defeat each participant received 1500 Valor.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

51. malaysia boleh 18.02.2011 08:08
i wantt then
52. Nidalee 21.02.2011 16:15
wowowowowowowow the valor reward is fabulos! Dam i was such a goofball for­ only going to 4 and not all 6 :(((((
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