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 The One-Armed Bandit22.02.2011 09:07

Warriors, the One-Armed Bandit is in operation again for your amusement. It disgorges mounds of  gold coins right into the hands of the lucky winners. Winnings clink in players' pockets, and superstitious players hold firmly onto their lucky charms. It goes without saying that, although this game is risky, it is great fun – all the warriors have been caught up in the gambling fever.
The One Armed Bandit is back! 
But who knows when Lady Luck will smile on them? She is very capricious – sometimes she showers the fortunate with her gifts, while at other times she can take the last copper coin from a poor wretch. Fortunately, the owner of the tavern is kind-hearted and doesn't want warriors to lose all their hard-earned money.

After speaking with a craftsman, the tavern landlord has configured the One-Armed Bandit in such a way that it will only accept large bets when you have sufficient money in your wallet to live well. In other words, the more  gold you have clinking in your pocket, the more money you can bet, so as to win big! But the opposite is also true: If a warrior's wallet has been empty for a long time, the machine will only allow him to place a small bet. This means that his loss will be smaller if he does not win.

As with every Casino there is a dresscode to be obeyed: Put on your best armor, it has to be of the green variety at least, to pull the lever on the Bandit.
Remember, Lady Luck likes cool-headed warriors! Don't get upset if you lose, but also, don't lose your head if you win! Fortune is fickle, and nobody knows who she will choose to smile upon in the future.

The one armed bandit has now been closed.
Author: Malle, editor note: Cross Knight

11. johanzrulr 22.02.2011 13:24
where exactly is the bandit please all .
12. ricardus 22.02.2011 14:23
I don't understand, why i can't play. I have green set and 1,9 gold,­ but­ the bandit say "You have insufficient funds in your account to­ play".­ What is this?
13. Alamus 22.02.2011 14:25 waste money... johanzruir - it's in­ Mary's Tavern, the colorful machine on the right side of the screen in the­ location screen. ricardus - there's a cutoff in terms of how much­ money you have to have. Not sure what it is, though.
14. Mia 22.02.2011 14:54
that's being called: Right on the money.
15. Laran 22.02.2011 15:26
Oh great, now I can waste all the gold I obtained with tons of flowers^^
16. Dariusxas 22.02.2011 15:49
ricardus --> 1,9 gold is not very much.
17. --THOR-- 22.02.2011 17:21
Qricardus you need 5g^^
18. ivica1973 22.02.2011 17:51
19. Madame DeeDee 22.02.2011 17:54
No whammy, No whammy, Big Bucks!! :)
20. Lady Temptress 22.02.2011 21:23
opul lvl 10 won 198
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