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 New Event: The Magician's Apprentice02.03.2011 07:14

Once there was a kind and peaceful magician in the  Shuar Forest and the  Caves of Fear. When he became old and his powers weakened, he decided it was time to give his magic wand to someone younger and fitter. He found a young man he believed to be a pure soul capable of sorcery and he taught all the magic secrets to his young disciple. This however, proved to be a horrible mistake...

The young student became interested in black magic. For his magical experiments, the youth started to torment and kill the innocent. The old sorcerer banished his student from Faeo but when his instructor died and the spells that prevented him from coming back vanished, the evil sorcerer created many phantoms in an attempt to break out of his astral prison and return to the expanses of Faeo. All the phantoms have to do is unite, and they will reincarnate the body of the sorcerer who will again start his evil deeds. To prevent this, you need to disperse the phantoms and overcome the sorcerer if he breaks through into the world of Faeo.

The event The Magician's Apprentice is for warriors of the levels 6 and 7 who want to increase their influence in the  Shuar Forest or the  Caves of Fear. It takes place in the  Wild Forest and the  Forgotten Mines and it will be repeated every 12 hours.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

21. Xandia 03.03.2011 19:54
very nice!
Pages:    1 :: 2 :: 3

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