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 Update: Dangerous Flower Picking04.06.2010 08:02

Picking flowers is usually quite a peaceful pastime. But when people started picking the Miracle Flower in the Malleable Badlands they realized that they became more powerful, some even received a special gift, but there was a catch - they couldn't leave the location. And with lots of  Magmars and  Humans with special fighting powers in the same location the peace did not last for long.


As if this was not enough, suddenly the Mighty Zigred Queen appeared to prevent both the Humans and Magmars from picking the flowers accompanied by a huge army of Mighty Zigred Warriors. Now there was fighting everywhere, there were fights between Humans and Magmars, there were warriors being attacked by Mighty Zigreds and there was the main battle in which Humans and Magmars joined forces and finally managed to overcome the queen of the Mighty Zigreds.

Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Cross Knight

1. Zeno_ 04.06.2010 11:30
Sounds like I missed quite an event... =(
2. Corinium 04.06.2010 11:41
you always in these types of events, a few mages grouped­ together. Once that happened none of us had a chance to get anything from the­ battle except a wasted few hours. But i did get to see alot of old­ friends...LOL
3. GameSpoiler 04.06.2010 11:53
Use Blue Amulet of Return >_>
4. Braegh 04.06.2010 12:21
Well, did anyone get anything good? i Got a lvl 7 injury xD
5. -Draegan- 04.06.2010 15:52
No Reward !?!?!?
6. D3v1l lt 04.06.2010 16:27
People who participated in rioting inst bosses event got some HOU rep... The­ ones who participated in monster mounts got WHOLE 2 sacks of food... People who­ participated in this event got absolutely nothing... More far- more bad
7. Lena 05.06.2010 03:56
:rr: no rewards
8. GameSpoiler 05.06.2010 06:03
Retribution armour 1 pcs (not me) :)

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