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 Fierce Fighting at the Festival, Thu. 17:0021.07.2010 05:42

Yes, hot time, summer in the city, but monsters at the party? Sure ain't pretty! As everyone knows, summer is the time for staying outside till late, celebrating life and generally having a good time.

In Faeo that means walking out to the meadows to enjoy the cool breeze and the shade, while listening to the bards and bands at the Faeo-Festival, held in Windmills for the  Humans and in Lost Wastelands for  Magmars. Unfortunately this year far more inhabitants have joined the fun and the earth itself is getting restless in the heat and resents being trampled on by thousands of feet moving in rhythm. The ground is rising up and the Enraged Earth Elemental is going on a rampage. Nature: you're scary! Warriors, help lay the beast to rest so the festival may continue.

The event "Fierce Fighting at the Festival" is for all levels and takes place in  Windmills and  Lost Wastelands on Thursday, 17:00 Faeo time.
Author: Cross Knight, editor note: Drolevil

11. user9902 21.07.2010 12:04
not sure if i will make this!.
12. Quezacotl 21.07.2010 16:16
Why do the admins never change the days they do events for? Thursdays are the­ worst day for me, and always the 17:00 events (the only ones i can make) are on­ a Thursday. Even the 03:00 events are always a Saturday, maybe the­ admins could actually think about rotating times and days for events?
13. Damo666 21.07.2010 17:47
Stop complaining about times, this is ENGLISH server, not american... not­ russian... not any other country so they do it by english time ( when most­ people finish work ) So shut up complaining, or go back to your own country­ server and everyone is happy!
14. Quezacotl 21.07.2010 18:42
Damo, i'm English. Ppl have to work you know, and not everyone­ works a 9-5, some ppl have shifts to do and have other commitments. Like i said­ i can make the 17:00, just not on a Thursday, and that is the only day they do­ 17:00 events which means i can't make any events they do. All­ i'm asking is they actually make things fair for everyone that plays this­ game, and rotate the times/days they do the events in order to give everyone a­ fair chance.
15. Starshaper 21.07.2010 20:54
Uhmm this gonna be another fight over a 50k+ hp mob's drop? if so then for­ low lvls it's worthless to even show up as the mages will take the loot.
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