Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Item information

Artful Halberd of Crushing +1

Two-Handed 48/48 Bonecrusher
Level 12  136 Air Fire

Agility +13
Initiative +6
Intuition +78
Intellect +55
Light-Darkness protection +30
Earth-Water protection +80
Vitality +118
Damage +17.3 .. +24.5
Magic damage +15.1 .. +22.1
Item can be tempered
Chance of Tempering 50%
To upgrade this item, you need 15000 Datkhar.
On successfully upgrading the item, you will receive a Artful Halberd of Crushing +2.
The item can be reinforced with resin
You must hold the rank of War Grandmaster to obtain or use this item.

Contrition set
Aged Contrition Cuisses
Aged Contrition Cuirass
Contrition Cuirass
Contrition Chainmail
Artful Contrition Halberd
Artful Contrition Cuirass
Artful Contrition Chainmail
Artful Contrition Pauldrons
Artful Contrition Bracers
Artful Contrition Cuisses
Artful Contrition Boots
Artful Contrition Helmet
Contrition Pauldrons
Contrition Bracers
Contrition Cuisses
Contrition Boots
Contrition Battle Axe
Contrition Helmet
Set bonus:

5 items:
  +53 strength
  +27 intuition
  +45 wisdom
  +3 injury probability
8 items:
  +69 strength
  +38 intuition
  +55 wisdom
  +7 injury probability