Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Item information

Artful North Wind Vest

Cuirass 59/59 Dodger
Level 3  31

Agility +21
Protection +4
Initiative +3
Strength +34
Vitality +15
Item can be tempered
Chance of Tempering 70%
To upgrade this item, you need 10000 Datkhar.
On successfully upgrading the item, you will receive a Artful North Wind Vest +1.
The item can be reinforced with resin

Northern Wind set
Northern Wind Long Dagger
Northern Wind Vest
Northern Wind Chainmail Shirt
Northern Wind Sword
Artful North Wind Chainmail
Artful North Wind Chainmail
Artful North Wind Pauldrons
Artful North Wind Pauldrons
Artful North Wind Gauntlets
Artful North Wind Gauntlets
Artful North Wind Cuisses
Artful North Wind Cuisses
Wondrous Northern Wind Boots
Wondrous Northern Wind Boots
Artful North Wind Vest
Artful North Wind Vest
Artful North Wind Dagger
Artful North Wind Dagger
Artful North Wind Sword
Artful North Wind Sword
Artful Northern Wind Helmet
Artful Northern Wind Helmet
Northern Wind Pauldrons
Northern Wind Gauntlets
Northern Wind Cuisses
Northern Wind Boots
Northern Wind Helmet
Set bonuses:

5 items:
  +14 strength
  +14 dexterity
9 items:
  +22 strength
  +22 dexterity