Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Item information

Artful Great Lizard Cuirass

Cuirass 70/70 Heavyweight
Level 11  64 Water Earth

Protection +116
Initiative +3
Intuition +19
Fire-air protection +10
Light-Darkness protection +50
Strength +98
Vitality +199
Wisdom +83
Mana level +60
The item can be reinforced with resin
You must hold the rank of War Expert to obtain or use this item.

Great Lizard set
Great Lizard Sword
Artful Great Lizard Pauldrons
Artful Great Lizard Bracers
Artful Great Lizard Cuisses
Artful Lizard Boots
Artful Great Lizard Sword
Artful Great Lizard Cuirass
Artful Great Lizard Pantsir
Artful Great Lizard Helmet
Artful Great Lizard Shield
Great Lizard Cuirass
Great Lizard Pauldrons
Great Lizard Bracers
Great Lizard Pantsir
Great Lizard Cuisses
Great Lizard Boots
Great Lizard Helmet
Great Lizard Shield
Set bonus:

5 items:
  +52 vitality
  +27 protection
  +3 injury probability
9 items:
  +63 vitality
  +38 protection
  +7 injury probability