Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Guardians of the Moon




Effective as of 04 March 2016

Welcome to the clan Guardians of the Moon, This clan was founded on TEAMWORK. So that means you help each other, and there is no one sided player in the clan. We all pitch in and help advance each other, whether its in gear, goods, items, you name it, we try our best. We scratch each others backs here, so we help you, and you help us back, thats how we grow as a team. There is a chat for a reason, to communicate, talk among each other, work out team efforts, team instance fights, locate and trade off goods between each other. When you say " I NEED" expect to reply very soon the same in return "YOU WANT". Advancing each other whether in rank, skill, or other is what a TEAM does to maintain its LEGACY. Our allainces operate about the same way, as there too, there are no one sided GREED. A clan of GREED does not advance as a TEAM. You want to be part of a TEAM, then this is where you could be. If you decide along the way to be in this TEAM, then be aware that you will be adding to everyone as a whole, not as an individual. Failure to comply or even respond as a TEAM effort, will involve you being cited a warning or 2, depending how often it is seen among your fellow clannies. Those warnings add up, so expect to change your ways, or out the door you go, pretty Simple.

1.) TALK, CHAT, COMMUNICATE, with each other. When we are talkiing or chatting we are aware of whats going on. If you are AFK, turn on the AFK response from game client. So we know were not
talking into the air. And if you are not AFK respond to people when they ask something, dont just ignore them, their part of the clan just like you.

2.) DEFEND, SUPPORT, PROTECT, your clan and its members. A Clan helps each other along the way in fights, instances, group hunts, and events, so SUPPORT each other as much as you can.

3.) PROFESSIONS, SKILL, RESOURCES, everyone is working on this stuff regardless, so give a hand, help another out, send them some goods to dust, ink, or jar them. Also expect them to do the same for
you as well. TEAMWORK is not on the battlefield only, but also in our backpacks, our storage areas, helping everyone advance their skills

4.) GEAR, ARMOR, RUNES, are things we all need too, so when we find some for ya, it means we care, and expect you to care as well, when we need help too. There is no one side to giving, it will always
be balanced along the way as a TEAM EFFORT

5.) CLAN, TEAMWORK, GROUP, is what the Guardians of the Moon is about. Failure to be part of that CREW, and out the door you wil go.

6.) Download and installation of game client is mandatory with this clan.

Please handle any issue in a diplomatic way.
This is a no Drama Clan
NO LOOTSTEALING.....this will get you kicked out of clan.
Yes, this is just a game, but teamwork is part of real life too, and it applies in this realm as well.

This is the Guardians of the Moon