Event Quest Guide |
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The Sound of Liche Coins |
Many of the inhabitants of Faeo have found ritual coins scattered all around the world, and are pondering with horror the reason for their sudden appearance and what troubles await them this time.

As the coins found are somehow connected to the burial ritual and the world of the dead, we recommend you visit Shiko the Paladin, a famed fighter of the undead.
Shiko the Paladin - is a wandering hunter of the undead, he has no home or family and has dedicated his whole life to the fight against evil, finding new ways to destroy it and recruiting other warriors to this cause.

Courageous warriors! Without your help the residents of Ogriy and Khair cannot deal with the mysterious finds and cannot discover the reason for the appearance of zombie coins . Faeo once again needs your protection!
You can obtain ritual coins:
- by killing a monster (if their level is no more than one level below yours)
- by collecting energy crystals in the Crystalline Caves and Ancient Temple
- by participating in Meridian vaults.
By burning every 20th coin with a Simple Necrus Sphere, you can obtain a special amulet from Shiko, with which you can increase the attributes of your character for 1 hour.
The number of burnt coins is reflected in character attributes and returns to zero after the reward has been taken.
If your backpack and pockets are already full with the jangle of zombie coins, that have unexpectedly appeared around Faeo, it is time to go and see Shiko the Paladin in Tomb of Kings or in Royal Tomb.

The fearless fighter of the undead is looking for a reliable warrior, who he can entrust with an important task. If you bring him 3 zombie coins and an Amulet of Resurrection, you can receive a generous monetary reward and valuable elixirs.
The «Resurrect the Dead» quest is available every 8 hours.
Pymen the Monk of Manor of Budrimakh and Samuel the Cleric, whose dwelling is located in Wirgold Estate, are also counting on your help.

In gratitude for your help with the ancient ritual, which requires 3 zombie coins, he kind monastery servers will happily give you Mithril Palm - a unique artefact that can then be exchanged for useful and rare items.
The «Burial Rites» quest is available every 6 hours.
What is happening during the event is of great interest to the inquisitive Dragon Urchi. Do not forget to talk to him and help in understanding the world of Faeo.

The «Little Dragon Urchi greets November» quest is available daily.
By using the deck you will receive
Attention! You can use the deck only one time per day during the active stage of the event.
You have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in concluding agreements and negotiating, for that is the only way you can protect the farmers from the Drowned Girl of Dead Cove and Golats the Vampire, from Bat’s Den. The tast can be completed by warriors of level 3 and higher.

As a reward you wll receive:
Quest «Feed for the drowned girl’s pet» is available every 8 hours.
Quest «The Hunger » is available every 8 hours.
Unrecognized Genius of Necromancy |
A mysterious master, raising the dead from their graves and leading a merciless army of liches, loudly announces himself. Longing for recognition of his great power and deep knowledge of necromancy, the Chion Warlock aspires to become the leader of Faeo. To achieve this goal the arrogant sorcerer, who seems to have come from nowhere and is concealing his real name from all, is raising a destructive army of zombies!

Waves of liches are attacking settlements - the monsters are in Free Meadows and Smoky Knolls [3-6], in Royal Tomb and Clan Burial Grounds [7-10], Baurvill Hamle and Faytir [11-15], in Suburbs of Waltreia and Greerwood Village, in Waltreia Outpost and Rumengild Station, Basmont and Narrowford [16-19].
Kill them and obtain valuable rewards:
Start of the attack*
Monsters' level
from 14:00, November 6 till 14:00, November 10 |
02:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
03:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
04:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
05:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
06:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
07:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
08:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
09:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
10:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
11:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
12:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
13:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
14:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
15:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
16:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
17:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
18:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
19:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
20:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
21:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
22:00 |
zombies for 11 - 15 levels |
23:00 |
zombies for 16 - 20 levels |
00:00 |
zombies for 3 - 6 levels |
01:00 |
zombies for 7 - 10 levels |
* the time of the start of the attack may be delayed by 3-5 minutes.
Forest Hermit of Azure Lagoon and Lake Hermi of Silent Cove, ave joined the events and require the help of warriors from level 11.

As a reward for your help you are guaranteed to receive:
The «Disturbed Solitude» quest is available every 8 hours.
Akvarius is also involved. He is calling for players from level 6.

By helping him you can obtain not just elixirs, but also Flaundin reputation.
Quest «Dead Masters of Sunken Ships» is available every 20 hours.
Furratsy and Salamander cannot manage the liches without outside help. They will be most grateful to valiant warriors from level 3, who save them from the troublesome and dangerous zombie invasion.

Help them and they will generously reward you:
Quest «Rescuing Water» is available every 12 hours.
Quest «Cleansing Fire» is available every 12 hours.
The Spirit Charmers Lady Guinevere in Frontier and Lady Cordelia in the Domain of Winds, are indignant that because of the growing strength of the liche army they have had to stop their experiments with illusory matter. Therefore they have made an amazing potion to fight the destructive charms of the warlock and are offering the bravest warriors of from level 3 the chance to test their strength in battle.

As a reward for your help you can receive:
The «Fight for Dead Souls» quest is available every 12 hours.
Scared by the undead invasion, overseas merchants have rushed to sail back home, and local traders, listening to the voice of reason, have closed up their shops and are waiting out the storm in a quiet and secluded place. But nothing scares the beautiful Nadilarie and the joker Sheamus. Moreover, they have thought up a way to benefit from the liche attack. They are waiting for warriors of from level 3.

Visit Sheamus the Joker and Nadilarie at the City Fairs in Dartrong and O'Delvays.
Quest «Cross Palm with Gold» is available every 12 hours.
Quest «Sheamus and the Liche Coins» is available every 12 hours.
Fanatic, dwelling in the Bringers of Evil Den, has decided to make the most of the situation. He awaits warriors from level 3. Whereas Norak the Virtuous helps the inhabitants of Faeo survive the consequences of the epidemic, he will gladly accept warriors from level 3 at Cloister of the Brotherhood.

Rewards are already awaiting their heroes:
Quest «A Dead Enemy is a Good Enemy» is available every 12 hour.
Quest «Back to Life» is available during the course of entire event.
The lazy giant Gizedor brought a strange item, into his cave that he found near Chion Mountains, and that attracted him with the sparkle of its crystals. The poor fellow had no idea that the mysterious find could be a powerful talisman, with a terrible liche force within it.

Start the investigation with a visit to Gizedor’s cave at Plateau of Silence, and you will not be left waiting for a reward::
Quest «Liche Curse Amulet» is available every 20 hours.
By studying ancient folios and consulting with sorcerers involved in necromancy, Shiko found a way to turn the dead troops against their creator and foil the warlock’s plans.

To carry out the Paladin’s plan, help is required from warriors of from level 3.This time you will need to gain the favour of the Goddess of Fertility Aladeya and do everything possible to gain the favour of the God of the Cursed and the Dead.
Quest «Power over Zombies» is available everty 20 hours.
The tar-black petals of liche flowers absorb the light of the Mirrow rays and the glow of the stars from the evening horizon, and the deep roots take strength from the decaying bodies of the dead and farewell gifts of death. If you would like to help Leolina the Fairy and Serafim the Gnome, go immediately to Communal Grave and The Mines.

A reward awaits warriors from level 3, who help the fairy and the gnome:
Quest «Dead Flower» is available every 20 hours.
Quest «Ruined Greenhouse» is available every 20 hours.
Decisive Battle with Evil |
Brave warriors of Faeo! Shiko the Paladin managed to discover the hiding place of the Chion Warlock. It is time to destroy the forces of evil and the warlock himself!
The paladin invites brave warriors to join him in the decisive battle with the damned enemy.
Fight will take place:
For warriors 3-6 levels – at 18:00
For warriors 7-10 levels – at 19:00
For warriors 11-15 levels – at 20:00
For warriors 16 level and higher – at 21:00
Put on your armor, equip your elixirs and scrolls, take your weapons – and go to Shiko, who with the help of magic spell will teleport you to the warlock's hiding place in an instant.
Defenders of Faeo! The fate of our world is in your hands!
Rewards |
The brave defenders of Faeo will find their well-deserved rewards on the shelves of Curiosities Shop at the City Fairs.
Thieves Gloum and Chigrik have a special offer for those who did not manage to collect enough Mithril Palms. They will sell you November bags (for both gold and diamonds) and special Dark Knapsacks.