
Clan Talents


General Information


Talents are the ability to improve certain characteristics of the character. Clan talents allow you to improve some characteristics of all clan members at once.

Clan talents are divided into active and passive talents. Active talents can be chosen individually by a character after learning a certain trait. Only one talent can be active at a time. The selection can be changed, but this is only possible outside instances and battlegrounds. Passive talents are immediately applied to all clan members as soon as the corresponding treatise is learned in the clan.

There are 28 different clan talents in total, divided into seven columns. Each member of the clan whose rank allows them to take items from the clan treasury can study and improve one talent.

Access to further talent columns is possible after obtaining a certain number of "stars".

You can find the clan talents under Clan -> Talents




The talents are divided into seven columns. In each column there are four talents available for learning - some of them are passive in nature, others are active. As the level of a particular talent increases, it is assigned a "star". 1st level talent - 1 "star", 5th - 5 "stars". After collecting a certain number of "stars", the clan can gain access to the next column of talents.

For example, to open access to the 2nd column, the clan must achieve 10 "stars".

This can be achieved, for example, if two talents are upgraded to level 2 and 2 talents are upgraded to level 3.


First Column



Required "Stars": 0
Passive Active Passive

Life +20

Trauma +2

Antitrauma +5

Reduces physical critical damage by 1%

Life +40

Trauma +4

Antitrauma +10

Reduces physical critical damage 2%

Life +60

Trauma +6

Antitrauma +15

Reduces physical critical damage 3%


Trauma +8

Antitrauma +20

Reduces physical critical damage 4%

Life +100

Trauma +10


Reduces physical critical damage 5%




Second Column



Required "Stars": 10
Passive Active Passive

Speed +10

Initiative +3

Increases Experience gained by 1%

Increases Protection from Magical Crit by 1%

Speed +20

Initiative +6

Increases Experience gained by 2%

Increases Protection from Magical Crit by 2%

Speed +30

Initiative +9

Increases Experience gained by 3%

Increases Protection from Magical Crit by 3%

Speed +40

Initiative +12

Increases Experience gained by 4%

Increases Protection from Magical Crit by 3%

Speed +50

Initiative +15

Increases Experience gained by 5%

Increases Protection from Magical Crit by 5%





Third Column



Required "Stars": 20
Active Passive

Increases Valor gained in Battle by 1%

Aditional Healing 2%

Increases Backpack Space by 1

Durability +100

Increases Valor gained in Battle by 2%

Aditional Healing 4%

Increases Backpack Space by 2 

Durability +150

Increases Valor gained in Battle by 3%

Aditional Healing 6%

Increases Backpack Space by 3 

Durability +200

Increases Valor gained in Battle by 4%

Aditional Healing 8%

Increases Backpack Space by 4 

Durability +250

Increases Valor gained in Battle by 5%

Aditional Healing 10%

Increases Backpack Space by 5 

Durability +300





Fourth Column



Required "Stars": 30
Passive Active Passive

Chance of successful Procurement of Resources +2%

Additional Chance of 1% for trippling resources

Basis chance of doubling production has inreased by 1,1

Increases Protection against all Elements by 10

Chance of successful Procurement of Resources +4%

Additional Chance of 2% for trippling resources

Basis chance of doubling production has inreasec by 1,2 

Increases Protection against all Elements by 20

Chance of successful Procurement of Resources +6%

Additional Chance of 3% for trippling resources

Basis chance of doubling production has inreased by 1,3 

Increases Protection against all Elements by 30

Chance of successful Procurement of Resources +8%

Additional Chance of 4% for trippling resources

Basis chance of doubling production has inreased by 1,4 

Increases Protection against all Elements by 40

Chance of successful Procurement of Resources +10%

Additional Chance of 5% for trippling resources

Basis chance of doubling production has inreased by 1,5 

Increases Protection against all Elements by 50





Fifth Column



Required "Stars": 40
Active Passive

Increases Chance of Critical Magical Damage by 1%

Increases Chance of Critical Damage by 1%

Increases Physical Critical Damage by 5%

Increases Critical Magical Damage by 5%

Increases Chance of Critical Magical Damage by 2%

Increases Chance of Critical Damage by 2%

Increases Physical Critical Damage by 7%

Increases Critical Magical Damage by 7%

Increases Chance of Critical Magical Damage by 3%

Increases Chance of Critical Damage by 3%

Increases Physical Critical Damage by 9%

Increases Critical Magical Damage by 9%

Increases Chance of Critical Magical Damage by 4%

Increases Chance of Critical Damage by 4%

Increases Physical Critical Damage by12%

Increases Critical Magical Damage by 12%

Increases Chance of Critical Magical Damage by 5%

Increases Chance of Critical Damage by 5%

Increases Physical Critical Damage by 15%

Increases Critical Magical Damage by 15%





Sixth Column



Required "Stars": 50
Active Passive Active

Vampirism increased by 1%

Reduces physical Damage by 2%

Reduces magical Damage by 2%

Increses total Damage given by 1%

Vampirism increased by 2%

Reduces physical Damage by 4%

Reduces magical Damage by 4%

Increses total Damage given by 2%

Vampirism increased by 3%

Reduces physical Damage by 6%

Reduces magical Damage by 6%

Increses total Damage given by 3%

Vampirism increased by 4%

Reduces physical Damage by 8%

Reduces magical Damage by 8%

Increses total Damage given by 4%

Vampirism increased by 5%

Reduces physical Damage by 10%

Reduces magical Damage by 10%

Increses total Damage given by 5%





Seventh Column



Required "Stars": 60
Active Passive

Increases Money Drop by 1%

Conzentration +5

Will +5

Suppression +5

Increases Money Drop by 2%

Conzentration +10

Will +10

Suppression +10

Increases Money Drop by 3%

Conzentration +15

Will +15

Suppression +15

Increases Money Drop by 4%

Conzentration +20

Will +20

Suppression +20

Increases Money Drop by 5%

Conzentration +25

Will +25

Suppression +25





Activating Talents


To activate and further improve clan talents, a number of artefacts are needed. The number and quantity of the necessary items increases with increasing of the level of the talent. While a treatise and a certain number of Crystals of Truth are sufficient to obtain level 1 talents, red5 requires Clan Unity V Treatise, Crystallized Ash, Seasons Token and quest items (see below).





Once a month, the shop at the scientists  Avelius the Scholar and  Globius the Learned opens. There, clan members can get special pages in exchange for various resources - Page from the Clan Unity Treatise

Important: Please note that the number of pages available is shared by the entire clan.

For example, if one of the clan members trades all available 200 pages of one resource, the rest of the clan cannot receive any more pages from that resource.


Resource max.
number of pages


number of pages
Resource max.
number of pages
10 800 2 1200 2 1000
2 1000 2 1200 3000 200
20 1000 6 800 2 1000
6 1000 2 800 2 1000
3 1000 2 1000 1 1000
100 200 100 200 100 200
400 200 400 200 400 200
1000 200 1000 200 1000 200
3 500 3 500 4 1000
150 200



100 pages can be combined into one paper Clan Unity I treatise.


100  1


To receive higher quality treatises, the Elt Cube is useful. If you have combined a certain number of lower grade treatises in the Elt Cube, you will get a rarer one.


2  1
3  1
4  1
5  1



Crystals of Truth


Improving clan talents requires a large number of Crystals of Truth. They can be collected in the clan treasury and used to improve the talents as soon as the required amount is available.

Important. When researching talents, Crystals of Truth are collected in the following order: clan, personal (non-transferable), transferable.

Depending on the improvement of the talent, more crystals of truth are needed:
"grey" talent - 5,100;
"green" - 15,500;
"blue" - 46,500;
"purple" - 139,500;
"red" - 418,500.



Crystallized Ash


Crystallized Ash is a substance that players from level 11 can obtain in the Labyrinth instance. The amount that can be gained per instance depends on the current reputation of the Labyrinth explorers.


Medal Labyrinth-Explorer Qty. Ash
no badge 1 pcs.
1-2 pcs.
1-3 pcs.
2-4 pcs.
3-5 pcs.
4-5 pcs.


Important! Only a maximum of 500 units of Crystallized Ash can be obtained from one copy of the instance.

Different clan talents require different amounts of ash:
- "Blue" - 5,000
- "Purple" - 15,000
- "Red" - 45,000

Crystallized Ash can be stored in the clan treasury and used from there to increase the level of the talents learned.


Seasons Token


Seasons Token are available to players (in clans) after seasonal events in the reward phase. A maximum of 185 Seasons Token can be purchased from a clan per event.

The following is the number of seasonal tokens needed to exchange for 1 Seasons Token.


Tokens Month Tokens Month
15 January - Hello Coldsnap! 5 July - Summer Pleasures!
12 February - Awakening of Feelings! 80 August - Time for Nature!
15 March - Spring Awakening! 8 September - In Pursuit for Knowledge!
12 April - Don't be no Fool! 12 October - Halloween!
15 May - May Mess! 25 November - Zombie Invasion!
8 June - Fern Flowering! 80 December - Winter Time!

The number of Seasons Token required for different levels of clan talents varies depending on the level:
- "green" talent - 100;
- "blue" - 175;
- "purple" - 305;
- "red" - 530.





The following resources are required to make one Talent from 0 to red:

Resource Grey Green Blue Purple Red Total
Treatise 1 2 3 4 5  
Page per Treatise 100 400 1.800 9.600 60.000 71.900
Crystals of Truth 5.100 15.500 46.500 139.500 418.500 625.100
Season Token 0 100 175 305 530 1.110
Crystallized Ash 0 0 5.000 15.000 45.000 65.000
Quest Items 0 0 0 0 (no info) (no info)



Last updated: September 2023



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