Available: from Level 16. All-Seeing Eye is required to unlock the reputation.
Initiate: The Faceless.
As centuries were passing by, in the Meridian lands, appeared mysterious creatures, The Faceless. Whose appearance was so incredible, that it caused the heart to tremble in fear. This mysterious trio had an amazing gift - the ability to interpret the visions, that were telling about lurking power in the bowels of the earth. Vision Interpreters became voluntary guardians of the peace for the inhabitants of the Meridian lands, and until the present they are constantly monitoring the dormant evil, to warn about impending danger and the awakening of this evil.
Any blessing, granted by powerful gods, is charged… The Faceless know that the cost of every vision, – is spilled blood of the Meridian land ancestors. With this, they make a secret agreement with the fearless warriors-aliens and send them in the guise of maurins and zarlogs to the Meridian Vaults.
Initiated to the mystery of the Vision Interpreters, Humans and Magmars are fiercely fighting in the ancient stadium with the best warriors of the tribe. The battles are not for life but for death as every victory against the opponent of Maurin or Zarlog gives the hope of salvation for the Meridian lands.
Attention! Once a day, you have an opportunity to hand in the quest on a chain of victories in the Meridian Vaults. The longer the chain of victories will be - the more reputation points of the Vision Interpreters you get.
Chain of victories
2 reputation points
(up to 3000)
3 |
5 reputation points
(up to 3000)
4 |
10 reputation points
(up to 3000)
5 |
20 reputation points
(up to 3000)
Attention! The first 5 kills of the representatives of the opposite team in the battlefield will bring you 3 reputation points (up to 1000)
Every day you will have access to the quests, that will lead your way to the Meridian Vaults. For their passage, The Faceless will reward you with 10 Vision Interpreters reputation points. Remember, that these quests are available only for those warriors, whose reputation points do not exceed 2000.
As a reward for the victory on the battlefield, you will have a chance to get some collection fragments. After exchanging 6 different collection fragments, you will receive 15 reputation points (up to 2000) and some battle elixirs.
Attention! If the amount of your reputation points is equal to or bigger than 2000, then as a reward for exchanging collection fragments you will get only elixirs.
Also, you can increase the reputation of Vision Interpreters by using the appropriate Vision Interpreters Fibula, and participating in Chaotic battles.
Can only be used in Scorched Lands before the start of a Chaotic Battle.
If you are victorious in this battle, you will receive +5 Vision Interpreters reputation, but if you are defeated, you'll only get +1.
Number of uses: 1.
Duration: To the end of Chaotic Battles, but no more than 24h.
To use it you need at least 500 Vision Interpreters reputation. Increases reputation to 3000 for warriors from level 16.
You can increase your reputation using Spark of the Heavenly Fires.
You can hand it to the NPC who initiated you to the reputation. 1 spark will give you 5 reputation points.
Reputation and Rewards

The victories in the Meridian Vaults by The Faceless requests, will not only revive the visions but will also help to earn the trust of the Interpreters, bringing the warriors' reputation points.