
Origin of War (Part I)

Gather `round, our Magmar young
for a story you should hear.
`Tis a story of two races,
of two races and of fear.
But that fear is not our own.
It is fear in Human hearts,
in their hearts and in their bone.
Washed in gold is Human speech.
So to hide their soul most foul,
they will preach, and preach, and preach.
They will speak in volumes great
to try and hide their crimes of past.
Now you must know about yor fate,
to chase them all `till Human last.
"But what crimes..." I hear you cry
"...justify their death and more?!"
"And of all the others, why must I
take this task of blood and gore?"
Task is yours for we are last,
others fallen, others left
so we must now avenge the past.
As for their crimes, I know every mark
but we can start with saddest one,
story of the Elves of Dark.
Sands of time were falling young,
when elves were here, when elves were free.
Life with nature was their creed:
"Honoring the sacred grove, honoring the sacred tree."
And all this ended with a foul deed.
A foul deed by a fouler tool,
their tree cut down by a human fool.
The fallen tree, the fallen race.
Elves were doomed but not yet down.
So they planed to save their face,
so they marched on Human town.
Their bows would aid them in this quest,
but how you`ll hear another day

for I am old and need to rest.


Author: Balcanicus


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