
The Lost Hero

The cold winds appeared to mock
the maiden tied up to a rock.
Brought by a silent, horse drawn wagon
to serve as supper for a dragon Striagorn,
and from her cruel and stony bed
these are the plaintive words she said
"Will no one save me from this fate
too dreadful far to contemplate.
My Hero! TANGOO Please don't hesitate
or else, I fear, you'll be too late."
Thence came a pure and gentle knight;
He rode up from the land of light.
A handsome and upstanding fellow
with posture bold and manner mellow.
He'd brought his hammer and sharpened blade
to try to save the hapless maid.
He said in tones so loud and clear,
"My Lady, Angel Heart, you need have no fear,
so shed not one more single tear.
Have courage damsel, TANGOO's here."
The dragon Striagorn, hearing from his cave
those ringing words, so fierce and brave.
Flew very quickly to the spot
with flaming coat and breath so hot.
Angry to hear this idle boast,
ready to turn the knight to toast.
The damsel screamed in mortal fright
"Will no one save me from this plight?
Where is my parfait, gentle knight
to neutralise this dragon's bite?
Then TANGOO drew his shining sword
with which he'd faced the Golden Horde.
He'd slain a Gungl, and killed a wizard
he wasn't frightened by an overgrown lizard.
He stood before the frightened girl
and gave his sword a skilful twirl.
He cried, "Come Striagorn, do your best !
Prepare to face your final test.
This sword will sleep within your breast,
before the sun sinks in the west."
Striagorn glared a baleful glare,
then rose to hover in the air.
The breath he breathed was fiery hot,
and suddenly, the knight TANGOO was not.
Where he had stood, so bold, so brash,
there rose a pile of smouldering ash.
The dragon spread his wings, and then
he took Angel Heart to his den.
She vanished from the sight of men,
and nevermore was seen again.
The moral of this story's clear;
The thing that hurts us most is FEAR!
For though it may seem quite absurd
If she had never said a word,
she might have stayed there through the night
Unheard, unnoticed, out of sight,
Then with the coming of the day
she might have found a cunning way
the rope to cut or knots to fray.
She might have even got away


Author: TANGOO


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